It’s easy to assume that accidents only happen to other people. In reality, any one of us could find ourselves nursing an injury. If you’ve been involved in an accident, or you’re recovering after a fall or a sports injury, it’s essential to take care of your body and mind. Here are some tips to help you get back on track.
Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/crutches-trauma-fracture-legs-5381823/
Follow medical advice
It’s tempting to try and get back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible when you are recovering from an injury, but it’s crucial to understand that healing and rehabilitation can take time. Whether you’ve broken your leg or you’ve sustained ligament damage or slipped a disc, it’s critical to follow the advice provided by the healthcare professionals looking after you. Listen to doctors, follow advice from physiotherapists and don’t be afraid to ask questions or raise concerns if you have any worries or queries. If you take it step by step and pay attention to the experts in charge of your care, you stand a better chance of recovering faster and reducing the risk of complications and setbacks.
Rest and recover
Any kind of accident or injury can take its toll on your body and mind. When you’re lying low and you’re focusing on getting better, you need time to process what has happened and let your body heal. Try to ensure that you give yourself the time you need to rest. Avoid trying to bring targets forward or pushing the guidelines set out by medical professionals to try and bounce back faster. If you try to run before you can walk, you could do more harm than good. You may find that your body heals faster than your mind. If you’re struggling to come to terms with your injury or an incident that has left you feeling fearful or anxious, seek help. Many of us are reluctant to talk about mental health but it’s so important to understand that you are not alone. Accidents can be traumatic and there is no shame in asking for support or seeking advice.
Minimise stress
Stress has an adverse impact on physical and mental health, particularly when you are already under strain. There are many reasons why you may experience rising stress levels when recovering from an accident or injury. Try to take practical steps to minimise risks and protect yourself. If you are worried about money, for example, speak to your employer and seek advice from highly rated personal injury attorneys if you were injured as a result of somebody else’s negligence. If you’ve had to give up work due to your injuries, it’s beneficial to find out if you are eligible for financial support and to talk with legal experts to see if you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. Try to ensure that you get enough sleep and resist the temptation to make plans that you don’t want to keep. There is nothing wrong with clearing your diary while you heal and process what is happening to you. You can see friends and family when you’re ready.
Talk when you feel ready
Talking is an effective way to express and deal with emotions, but it’s not always easy to be open about how you feel. If you feel able to, try speaking to a close friend or family member to help you manage your emotions and get things off your chest. Some people find it easier to open up to people they don’t know. If this is the case, you can talk to a therapist or a counsellor or join forums or social media groups to meet people who have been in the same boat.
Ask for help
Many of us find it hard to ask for help, even if we’re struggling. We try to soldier on and we don’t want to cause a fuss. If you need help with practical tasks around the house, or you’d like advice or somebody to listen to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family. Accept offers from those who want to support you and understand that there’s no shame in asking for a favour from time to time.
Picture via https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-and-white-photo-of-holding-hands-735978/
Injuries and accidents can have a profound impact on your physical and mental health. If you are recovering, it’s essential to understand the importance of letting your body and mind heal. Follow advice from medical experts, try to minimise stress, ask for help from family or friends, talk when you are ready and give yourself time to rest and recover. Avoid putting pressure on yourself and reach out if you need support or advice.