I would never have thought I was!!
Until I read this book: “The Magic” from Rhonda Byrne📖 – which has brought me so much more Magic in my Life & My Wallet✨
I am actually getting emotional as I am writing this!
If you have never read it, I challenge you to get it (FOR FREE BELOW) and see how grateful you actually are in all areas of your life.
For those who know me personally, I am not a “paper” book reader, more an audio-book or podcast listener.
Yep apparently, I am very sensitive to sound in general, including but not limited to, I literally go nuts when people do lots of noises while they eat😠(and the mouth opening when they talk and eat at the same time OMG don’t even get me started👿)
Not sure if anyone can relate? Anyway, I could share so many examples of my wierdness on that but that’s not the point of this post!
THE POINT IS when I joined my tribe of online entrepreneurs, the first thing we got to do was a 28 day gratitude challenge by reading “The Magic”!
Hand on heart, I can say this book changed the way I see life, even after all these personal development courses and all❤️
I have even made it a must do for all my online coaching clients when they start working with me and currently doing this 28 day challenge again.
💃Waking up with a big smile on my face, saying THANK YOU as my first word of the day as I put a foot on the floor
💃Counting at least 10 blessings every single day
💃Holding my magic rock in bed with a big smile on my face saying THANK YOU for the best thing that happened today as my last word of the day
…Has made a tremendous sustainable difference in my life AND I WANT TO SHARE IT!
Invite 3 Friends, or more, to like my OXY Therapy Facebook page, tag them when you do so I know who they are
and I will then reach out personally to you with a Free e-Copy💫✨