By leaving Banking 6 years ago to start my journey in the health industry, I felt so alive, so free, so inspired! I was also much less stressed, happier, more in tune with myself and seriously building a healthier lifestyle. And guess what, that’s when my soul mate ALSO magically appeared… 💕
After multiple diplomas & qualifications in the Wellness & Coaching industry (such a drug, love it!!) and years of absolute love for coaching my clients 1:1 in my clinic in London, something did not feel in total alignment anymore. Ash was running the Personal Training side of the business in London.
Although we felt already very privileged to be our own boss, our business model meant that:
>> I could only make a SMALL difference in the world by working 1:1 on-site and that was making me feel unfulfilled … I had a growing desire to play bigger. I knew that was a calling.
>> We were losing money when we were travelling which is a passion of ours (because we could not meet with our clients and still had to pay the clinic/studio), or when we were attending Trainings or Continuous Personal Development days
>> I was always feeling the pressure of doing more so that we could save enough money to do the other things we love including developing projects greater than ourselves
>> I was living with a grey rainy weather most of the year, affecting people around me and surrounded by some kind of negative energy
Our travels and thirst for discovering the world were making it up temporarily but we were going back to the same place.
So I felt we were NOT totally FREE, that we were keeping ourselves small, that we were becoming selfish to keep all this combined knowledge and time without finding a way to leverage it AND create real wealth and freedom.
So within the last 2 years, we were brainstorming and working on our vision. We decided to take the leap of faith after years of marathon in London and move to Bali last September – the start of a new life & business adventure yayyyyy!!!🥳🤩
We did not have a clear plan, I was still working with a few clients remotely but I had not created a personal brand online, I had not set up my online business at all. I knew something magical was going to happen though🙏, I was READY to play big, I trusted the universe 100% but in the meantime I was feeling lost, overwhelmed and did not know where to start!!!!!
It became clear to me that the solution was to create an online empire that would allow me to DO IT ALL:
- Move my biz online, growing & scaling it in a way that serve my purpose,
- Leverage my wealth of knowledge and my gifts through the power of social media,
- Create my freedom lifestyle working from anywhere I want, with who I want, when I want and how i want it,
- Earning money while I sleep (let’s face it the digital economy and health consciousness are both booming!)
- Create time & wealth to invest in our wildest dreams and projects such as retreats & workshops on all continents, environmental projects, educational & water supply projects in Africa and so much more🙏🙏🙏
Last December, a golden opportunity was presented to us. Once again, I listened to my Intuition and SAID YES to join this incredible online platform and community that has been providing me with the exact vehicle and proven formula to fast track my results and bring my vision to life and so much more ripple effects!
Such as a heart-centered high vibe community I am daily impressed with and grateful for.
A community that showed me that HAVING IT ALL is NOT AN ILLUSION,
That it is possible, that in fact it is our BIRTH RIGHT.
You, me, us, we just ended up deciding that we were keeping those programmes in our head that say we can’t have it all but we truly can.
Because that’s what we do.
We get to choose.
And I think it is SO IMPORTANT to remember that.
So maybe you are in a corporate job that does not lite you up anymore, that does not align with your values anymore, that does cost you the life you really want to live,
Or maybe you have an existing biz you would like to grow and scale online to create more abundance in your life and make a bigger difference in this world,
Or maybe you have been wanting to start a meaningful online business that can create real freedom for you, your partner and your family,
I wish I had found it earlier so I could make it easier, more efficient and faster for myself. Now that I found the complete solution pouring me with all the trainings, daily support, coaching / mentorship, the soul alignment work that can help me take aligned actions to grow my online business + fund my wildest dreams and projects then I can only want to share it with you…
🖐On Saturday, we GO LIVE and together with our multiple 6 figure mentors, we will share more about it all so you can see what’s possible for you too.
If any of this resonates with you, or you want to know more, just send me an email or drop a “FREEDOM” in the comments of this post and I’ll add you to our private group 🙌🏽😀