Discover your (surprising) Stress Quizz score and what to do about it!
You see, last week, I found out that my brother had been signed off-work for stress, had been experiencing numerous physical & mental symptoms and had just started anti-depressants!! I was totally unaware.. I so wish I was as I could have supported him before it reaches that stage.. People usually come to me when they are fed up of feeling tired, bloated/uncomfortable, stressed / anxious, not happy about their weight, experiencing cravings & low energy and ready to upgrade their lifestyle. Lately it striked me that ALL of them have been presenting with Chronic Stress Symptoms, whether they are conscious of it or not.
For all these reasons, I decided to write about this topic as I’m hoping it might help you, your partner, your siblings or someone you know to become (more) aware of it. Watch out for more emails from me as I’ll be revealing what to do about your Stress Quizz Score below (you’ll also discover how to tackle Christmas WITHOUT gaining weight! Oh and Early Bird Xmas Gift Vouchers are on their way too!…)
The good news IS once we become aware, we are more receptive to the whole world of solutions that can help us learn stress management techniques. You are not alone, let’s work through it together! In case you missed my email on Friday (you can read it here), I’ve just re-opened a LIMITED NUMBER of slots for my Free 30-mins Health & Nutrition Discovery Sessions and only for a very LIMITED TIME as there is so many of you I can talk to privately. December is actually the perfect moment to make a positive DECISION towards to Health & Wellbeing BEFORE THE YEAR ENDS so that you make 2018 your best year yet and feel good about it before it has even started!:-)
So I have an Invitation For You
& Anyone you know who would benefit from it!
Apply for your Free Session HERE and discover how you can take control back of your body, transform your life, and of course see if we are a good fit!
StressQuizz Time!
Test your Stress Levels – symptoms associated with adrenal hormones dysfunction-
Hard to get up in the morning
Dark circles under the eyes
Tired all the time
Hard to shift fat around the waist
Weight gain
Mood Swings
Alternate bowel movements
Stomach cramps
Poor concentration/memory
Poor Sleep
Rapid orPouding Heartbeat
Prone to catching colds and flu
Muscles & joints aches
Spotty skin
Hair Loss
Yeast Overgrowth
Hungry all the time
Difficulty in making decisions
Energy dips throughout the day
Feeling weak
Feeling cold all the time
Depression/low mood
PMS/other hormone imbalance
Water Retention
Poor wound healing
Excess sweating
Bloating/Other digestive issues
SCORE: if you have 3 or more of the symptoms in bold OR if you have 5 or more of the other symptoms you may have adrenal hormone imbalance and you MUST look after yourself seeking professional support
Do NOT tolerate poor health, low energy and everyday stress, life is too precious for this. Let me help you achieve the Health & Happiness you’ve been deserving for too long!
>>Apply for a free session with me here and we’ll discuss simple & practical solutions to get you started<<
As always committed to your health & wellbeing